Antique Woods and Colonial Restorations

Boston Barn.

Boston Barn. Boston Barn.
Boston Barn. Boston Barn.
Boston Barn..

Boston Barn 30’x50’

16’ high side walls, pristine condition

Very large posts and beams, as large as they come. 13”x 14” swing beam, 12” x14” posts and tie beams, hand hewn white pine. Nice size pole rafters at 3’ centers. Double tie beam bents.

Bents 1 through 3 are already set up for loft with upper tie beam of bent 3 at great height for balcony railing. This barn is in the best condition of any barn I have seen in many years.

As you can see from the straight rafter plates this barn has not had any problems with the tie beams and longitudinal walls separating over the years. Just a few small repairs necessary that are mostly cosmetic. Barn comes from Boston, Ontario — about one hour west of Toronto, Canada

Boston Barn. Boston Barn.
Boston Barn. Boston Barn.
Boston Barn.

Antique Woods & Colonial Restorations


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