Antique Woods and Colonial Restorations

      McBeth Barn

McBeth Barn  34’ x 50 ‘


The  barn is overall 34'x 50'.  3 bays,  First bay including both posts  18' , second bay (middle drive in) is 12' no posts, and 3rd bay is 20'  including 2 posts.  Side walls are  very good height  being 16' 9" +/-  from bottom of post to top of rafter plate.  If you need more height, we can add up to 12" easily with plinth blocks. Post and tie beams meet my standards for what I call hefty at 10"x10" +/- and are hand hewn pine.  Barn is in excellent condition as you can see from photos.

Very handsome canted queen post/purlin system  The one middle bent (B-2) is set up as a swing beam bent  and has pockets in one side that goes to loft beam to form a loft there with no posts. The existingswing beam isabout a  12"s, pretty small for swing beam really. We do have spares and decided to offer this barn with an 18" oneto  make the entire bent and barn much more impressive and stunning.  I  added a swing beam to one of the barn homes  I build for myself.  I  love swing beams and they are one feature  I encourage everyone to put  into their barn home if possible and this barn already has the spot and history of one, just not as big as I prefer.. If the overall size of this barn  works for you, I would say it is just an excellent barn frame for a core of a barn home conversion.



McBeth Barn 1
McBeth Barn 2
McBeth Barn 3
McBeth Barn 4
McBeth Barn 5
McBeth Barn 6
McBeth Barn 7
McBeth Barn 8
McBeth Barn 9
McBeth Barn 10
McBeth Barn 11