Antique Woods and Colonial Restorations

Hillsdale Barn


Hillsdale Barn

We do not yet have full measurements or real good photos as there is hay still in the barn and it is not stripped yet.  However, what we do see so far is just excellent  and this looks like it is just  a stunning  smaller/medium barn frame from Canada.   As we get more photos and  information we will post it on our web site or   just write   for more  details. We will be doing some drawings of the frame here soon as well  when we   get more documentation

. With 1 or 2 lofts, (and perhaps a cat walk connecting them), this barn  would easily   lend itself to a 1700- 2000 sq. ft. home just by itself.  This is plenty of space for 2 to 3 bedrooms/2bath home and still have a  large area of cathedral ceiling exposed..

  If we added a shed addition(s) to the longitudinal wall (and-or end wall)    we could easily bring the sq. Footage space up to 3000 sq. ft.   or  more. Shed additions are very traditional with barns and look very nice  exteriorly as well as give the interior some interesting and contrasting space, particularly for uses such as kitchen, dining, or bed/bath  areas. These shed additions are also very cost effective sq. footage  space and give great flexibility for creative floor plan ideas.  

      This is just a prime barn frame for a modest sized barn home conversions and probably won't last long on our web site.   We also have access to  another barn on same farm property   that is a 28'x 50' called the Heifer Barn.  


Hillsdale Barn
Hillsdale Barn
Hillsdale Barn
Hillsdale Barn
Hillsdale Barn
Hillsdale Barn
hillsdale 7
hillsdale 8